Anyone still doubting that America has a childhood obesity problem? You can look at
charts or just spend an afternoon at any major US Amusement Park. We went to
Sesame Place. Amazing.
I was amazed at how many obese children were at the park. More amazingly, the parents feeding them lollipops, chips, soda and ice cream astonished me.
I don't pretend that our little localvore challenge will change all these habits. Hopefully, someone will read about efforts like ours and others and maybe give it a little thought.
I'll quote the recently-made famous author Michael Pollan, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Sounds simple enough. If that's not simple enough, he lists a few rules to eat by.
1) Eat food. Don't eat anything that your great-grandmother (or someone's great grandmother) would not recognize as food.
2) Avoid food products with health claims.
3) Avoid food products with ingredients you cannot pronounce. Avoid high-fructose corn syrup.
4) Get out of the supermarket.
5) Pay more, eat less.
6) Eat more like the French. Or the Japanese. Or the Italians. Or the Greeks. Pick a culture and eat like them.
7) Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.
8) Cook.
9) Eat like an omnivore - a varied diet.