Tips for Iced Coffee
- Use fresh beans, bought in bulk. Buy 1/3 pound for 2 cups of ground coffee.
- Grind the beans as soon to use as possible. Have a shop grind them coarsely (3rd to most coarse setting)
- Use tap water that sat out overnight (why?).
- Use medium or light roasts - french and dark roasts produce a bitter iced coffee
- 2 cups ground beans to 4 cups water in glass or ceramic.
- Stir for 30 seconds - you'll see a tan plume
- Cover with plastic wrap
- Leave on counter for 20 to 24 hours, stir 2 or 3 times during this time.
- Strain into a pitcher
- Using a pour-over brewing system (Chemex, Melitta, Clever, etc.), pour strained iced coffee through rinsed filter
- Store filtered, strained iced coffee in glass jar for 2 weeks in Refrigerator
- Fill 16 oz. pint glass with as much ice as you can fit
- In measuring cup pour 1 part iced coffee (I use 3 oz.) and 1 part water
- Add simple syrup to taste (into measuring cup
- Pour into pint glass slowly
- Add milk to taste