Saturday, July 5, 2008

Speaking to me in my sleep...

Few know that I really enjoy being semi-conscious on a Saturday morning while listening to "Speaking of Faith."  While the show covers religious topics that often don't interest me, Krista Tippett is nearly as captivating as my radio crush.  

This morning, the interview was with Barbara Kingsolver.  And the topic was about the morals and spirituality of eating local and naturally.  Mrs. Kingsolver made two excellent points that got me to perk up as I coddled the baby firestorm
  1. Our society has to yet to put a moral value on the suffering attributed to eating foods from faraway places.
  2. Until WWII, eating locally or organic was just the way of life.  In 50 years, we've allowed a few, select food companies and politicians change our perception of eating to the point where Americans don't even find an Argentine pear amazing.

It's a full hour, but the episode is extremely interesting. Kingsolver moved her entire family from the faux city of Tuscon to southwestern VA and ate only the food they could harvest or buy at the farmer's market.  They thought they would discuss going "without" but instead found themselves with abundance.

Tasting off Pilseners

So, I've dedicated June and July to Pilsener.  A few weeks back, I had a 3-lager taste-off.  I tasted Penn Kaiser Pilsner, Troegs Sunshine Pils, & Lagunitas Pils (not local).

The taste-off was a major let down.  Troegs demolished the other two.  Lagunitas was as bland as Coors (at least as I remember Coors from 1998) and Penn tasted skunky.

The next week pitted Troegs versus Brooklyn Pilsner.  A slightly closer contest but still a decidedly better lager coming from Harrisburg.  I've never been to Harrisburg, but dare I say that Troegs is probably the pride of the 'burg in 2008.

To Chris and John - well done!

Pulling mussels from a shell...

Ok, I couldn't resist that title.  A simple local meal can consist of this most delectable, inexpensive, and healthy protein.  At the farmer's market, we picked up sweet onions, mussels, local wine and a loaf of bread (probably made from Dakota flour, but baked nearby).  Simple and delectable.

We also purchased a skate wing that came out famously with the addition of Vermont butter and Capers (from Capri, ok, not local, at all).   As I walked away from the nice fisher-family, I realized we purchased the two cheapest seafoods they had and then 10 hours later and an immensely wonderful meal.  Alice Waters would be proud!